Our Services

Our Services


We offer targeted sustainable insurance solutions for development agencies and regulators so they can effectively deliver financial inclusion goals and support the growth of insurance markets worldwide.

Past projects include:

  • End-to-end credit risk and insurance review, analysis, and strategy recommendations for microfinance institutions supported by Kiva and the Grameen Foundation in Kenya and the Philippines.
  • Industry survey, database management, cloud computing setup, actuarial modeling, and market pricing guideline development for regional regulator in the Middle East.
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We help training firms and academic institutions develop and deliver engaging actuarial, data analytics, and SDG-ESG insurance education to students, faculty, regulators, industry practitioners, and C-Suite executives.

Past courses include:

  • Board of Directors Training on Sustainable Insurance and ESG Reporting (half-day course) with WeESG and the London Institute of Banking & Finance.
  • R: A Practical Perspective for Budding Actuaries (2 day course) covering RStudio, data techniques, and ChatGPT with NDU-Lebanon and Actuaires du Monde.
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We enable insurance innovators and entrepreneurs to be at the forefront of understanding, utilizing, and developing insurance for social impact by providing cutting-edge research, recommendations, and insights. 

Past insights include: 

  • Prototype design of insurtech Pula's first disaster risk contract with a unique multi-peril structure placed in Mozambique with the World Bank.
  • Research, analysis, and first-of-its-kind publication on best practices for index insurance for regulators and practioners in Pacific Island Countries with Risk Shield Ltd.
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